Friday, January 10, 2014

Classroom Management "noteworthy behavior"

Classroom Management is something I strongly believe in. I only see my students once every 4 days so I need them to know what to expect when they walk into my room. I think finally, after almost 3 years, they do! I have a system in place I call "noteworthy behavior."

I have three stars on my whiteboard.
If a class isn't following directions or doing what they're supposed to be doing, I take a star down. They can earn their star back if they start following the expectations again. At the end of class I record how many stars are left. At the end of 10 classes which ever class in the grade level  had the "most points" gets a reward activity.

It works well and the kids love it! The teachers are supportive at varying degrees. For example, some teachers believe a "1" is unacceptable. Other teachers don't even ask when they pick up their class. However, in my classroom they love it, and always work harder the next cycle if they don't earn the reward activity.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Where did you get the owl board? Not quite sure what to search for to find one :)
